Welcome to the American Legion
Newcomb-Long Post 928
7353 Erie Rd., Derby, NY 14047 (716) 947-0928
Committed to mentoring youth and sponsorship of wholesome programs in our communities, advocating patriotism and honor, promoting strong national security, and continued devotion to our fellow servicemembers and veterans.
Color Guard:
For the love for our country and pride in our military service, the American Legion Color Guard takes part in Posting the Colors at many different community events such as Memorial Day services, dedications, school activities and several other ceremonies. It is our mission to advocate patriotism among the children and adults in our community.
Honor Guard:
The Honor Guard was formed in 2008. M-1 Rifles were were secured from the government and our uniforms were purchased by running raffles and donations. We were certified by the US Army and now average more than thirty Military funerals a year. The Honor Guard is equipped with uniforms for all seasons and all types of weather. It cost a little over $600 per man. The men of the Honor Guard are all dedicated Veterans who feel this is an Honor deserved by every deceased Veteran reguardless of branch of service, rank, or where he or she served.
Flag Retirement & Replacement:
As your American Flag gets worn and tattered, it is no longer a fitting emblem for display. Please drop these flags off at the Post and we will retire your flag in a dignified way.
We offer replacement flags:
3x 5 nylon - $25. (available immediately)
Other sizes available (special order).
Essay Scholarship: Each year Lakeshore Central High and Middle Schools students are eligible to apply for one of six scholarships we award. They are required to write an essay explaining "What Memorial Day means to me". Students are awarded as follows:
American Legion Newcomb-Long Post 928 Scholarship: Four students from Lakeshore Central High and Middle School are awarded $150. each.
John Souza Scholarship: Two students from Lakeshore Central School are awarded $125. each
If you are a Lake Shore Central Student and would like to apply for a scholarship, please get in touch with your school counselor for more information.
Evans Youth Baseball: Each year the American Legion Newcomb-Long Post 928 sponsors a team making it possible for youth in our community to participate. Children involved in this league learn about the sport of baseball but also walk away with important life skills including sportsmanship, confidence, diligence, focus, determination, and teamwork. We are proud to sponsor these children each year!
Village of Angola Memorial Day Parade Sponsor:
Every Memorial Day we team up with the village of Angola for a parade from the Angola Fire Hall to Forest Avenue Cemetary where memorial services are held. Prayers from local Clergy, speeches from our Post Commander, Village Mayor, and Town Supervisor. Our National Athem and other approiate music is performed by Lakeshore Central School Band. Scholarship award winners read their essays on what Memorial Day means to them and awards are presented to them by our Post Commander. Our Gold Star Mothers Place a Wreath followed by 21 Gun Salute by our Honor Guard and Taps played by Lakeshore Central Students in memory of our deceased Soldiers here in the USA and Abroud. After our service at the cemetary we hold a service at our Post and serve a small lunch for all who attend.